当地的 & Online Professional Development 项目概述

当地的 & Online Professional Development Program is a student fee funded program that provides financial resources for students to participate in various forms of professional development experiences. The funds can be used to cover registration fees for the experience. The professional development experience must align with the student’s area of study, 领导地位, 和/或职业目标.


Qualifying Professional Development 事件:

The following forms of professional development are eligible for program participation

  • Conferences/conventions/professional meetings (online, hybrid, or local)
  • Seminars (online, hybrid, or local)
  • Workshops (online, hybrid, or local)
  • Competitions (non-athletic, co-curricular only)


学生 are eligible to receive up to $400 通过这个项目.  学生 may only receive funding 通过这个项目 once per fiscal year (July 1-June 30).


  • Full time employees of 密歇根州立大学丹佛 are not eligible even if they are a student.  Employees have access to professional development funds through their departments.

大学肄业生 & 研究生要求

学生 must be enrolled in at least 1 credit of coursework on the Main (Auraria) 密歇根州立大学丹佛 Campus the semester they plan to travel. 扩展校园课程, correspondent courses and other coursework exempt from the Student Affairs Fee do not count toward the 1-credit requirement. No exceptions can be made for this enrollment requirement.


The following actions/items are required for a proposal to be considered for funding:

  • 一个完整的“当地的 & Online Professional Development Proposal” must be submitted within 21 days prior to the date of the professional development event.
  • Applicants must complete all sections of the proposal and meet eligibility requirements.
  • Proposals are reviewed weekly and decision letters will be emailed to student applicants within 3 business days after review.

If funding is approved, what happens next?

After receiving notice of funding awards, the student will work with the program administrator to register and pay for their professional development event. The program can either use a University Corporate Card (credit card) or the student can pay out of pocket and get reimbursed by the program. Following the professional development event, the student will be required to complete an evaluation about their experience.


The 拨款委员会 consists of 密歇根州立大学丹佛 staff and student(s). The committee has two regular voting members.

Online 密歇根州立大学丹佛 student learning outside the classroom

The Committee bases its recommendations on the following:

  • Thoroughness and quality of proposal materials and completion of all application requirements
  • Academic enrichment of the event
  • 个人目标
  • How you will share the knowledge learned
  • How the proposal supports the educational mission of the institution
  • Personal enrichment of the event to the individual(s) attending
  • Compliance with all 密歇根州立大学丹佛 and State of Colorado Fiscal Rules
  • 资金的可用性

资金 decisions may be appealed to the program administrator for reconsideration in special situations.


  • Last minute changes or late fees are the financial responsibility of the individual making the changes, not the responsibility of the program.
  • No funding is available for any individuals other than 密歇根州立大学丹佛 students. Faculty and staff are excluded from funding from this program.

从教室到就业中心 (C2 Hub)

学生旅游 & Professional Development 资金 is a student fee funded program within the 从教室到就业中心

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